Mother’s Day is earlier this year: 10 March.   We are looking forward to playing in the Mothering Sunday Family Communion service in St Saviour’s Church at 10.30am. At the beginning of the service, we will be playing “Flower Duet” by Délibes and at the end “The Blackbird” by David Stone.

We will also be accompanying the hymns. Our rehearsals will be on Thursdays 22 February and 22nd & 29th as well as 7 March from 5.30pm to 7pm in St Saviour’s on the day of the service, we will rehearse from 9am.

After Mothering Sunday, we will continue with our Thursday rehearsals in St Saviour’s (excluding April 4th) in preparation for our concert on 9 June at 3pm in St John’s Church, Hagley, for ‘Music for Sanctuary’, raising funds for the homeless.

If you would like to join us, please phone or text 07545 773139